An Anti-cancer Diet Is an Important Strategy You Can Use to Reduce Your Chances of Getting Cancer. The American Cancer Society Recommends, for Example, That You Eat at Least Five Servings of Fruit and Vegetables Daily and That You Eat a Healthy Diet to Maintain a Healthy Weight. In Addition, Researchers Found That Certain Foods That Prevent Cancer May Be an Important Part of a Cancer-fighting Diet.
1. Broccoli
Broccoli Contains Isothiocyanate and Indole Compounds, Which Block Cancer-causing Agents and Slow Growth of the Tumor. Some Cruciferous Vegetables, Such as Cauliflower, Cabbage, Kale, and Collard Greens, Contain These Same Compounds.
2. Cranberries
With a Tart Flavor and a Deep Red Color, Cranberries Add Both a Noticeable Punch and Good Health to the Menu. They Are a Source of Anthocyanins and Flavonols, Substances That Can Enhance the Immune System and Help Cells Detoxify Harmful Substances.
3. Vegetables With Dark Green Leaves
Spinach, Chard, Kale, Collard Greens, Roman Lettuce, and Other Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Are Prominent Sources of Many Anti-cancer Agents, Including Carotenoids. In Laboratory Studies, These Antioxidant Compounds Prevent Cancer Cells From Growing.
4. Garlic
Garlic, Onions, Scallions, Chives, and Leeks Are All Members of the Allium Family of Vegetables. Their Anti-cancer Properties Are Found in Several Sulfur-based Ingredients and the Antioxidant Quercetin. Garlic and Other Allium Family Foods May Protect Against Stomach Cancer and Cancer.
5. Grapes
Resveratrol Is an Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Compound Found in Grapes, Especially Red and Purple, When It Is Most Concentrated on the Skin. In Animal Studies, Resveratrol Has Been Shown to Prevent Cancer and Slow Down the Growth of Cancer Cells.
6. Green Tea
This Soft, Grass-flavored Beverage Contains Catechins, Antioxidants That Have Anti-cancer Properties. Green Tea, in Fact, Has Three Times the Amount of Catechins as Black Tea. Regular Consumption of Green Tea Has Been Linked to Lower Risk of Bladder Cancer and Digestive Tract.
7. Soy
Whether You Eat Tofu, Miso, Tempeh, Edamame, or Soy Milk, You Get the Health Benefits of Soy Beans. Soy Foods Are Rich in Estrogen-like Isoflavones Like Genistein and Daidzein. Studies Suggest That Soy Foods Protect Against Hormonal-related Cancers, Including Breast, Prostate, and Endometrium.